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Man injured in explosion that killed coworker

On Behalf of | Jun 6, 2014 | Workers' Compensation |

Most workers in the state of North Carolina expect that their work places are safe locations and they will not be injured while completing tasks required as a part of their job. Sadly this is not always the case. An accident in a pulp plant located in the state recently killed one and injured another individual who was working there. Both of the individuals were contractors.

At the time of the incident the plant was shut down for maintenance. As the men worked on a piece of machinery a hydraulic line is believed to have burst, striking the worker who then died. How the other man’s injuries were acquired is unclear. Though specifics regarding his injuries are not available, one individual believed that he may have suffered a broken bone. It is known that he was released from the hospital after receiving care.

The workers who were involved in the incident worked for another company that had been hired to come in and complete the required maintenance. It is possible that the worker who was hurt but survived the incident could need time away to heal from his injuries. During that time medical and other types of bills could continue to accrue. To help cover those expenses, workers’ compensation benefits might be sought.

Though these benefits are available to workers in many occupations, their existence does not mean that someone will automatically receive them. A claim must be filed and approved before the benefits will start. When an approval is not granted initially an appeal may be filed. While legal assistance is generally not needed for an initial claim, when it is denied it is usually a good idea to contact a lawyer.

Source: WITN, “NEW INFO: Washington Man Injured In Fatal Accident At Domtar,” May 7, 2014

