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Injuries related to overexertion in North Carolina

On Behalf of | Jan 19, 2016 | Workplace Injuries |

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are cited by the Bureau of Labor statistics to be the cause of over 30 of work-related injuries and illnesses in 2014. That translates to an incidence rate of 33.8 cases per 10,000 full-time workers, which is down from 35.8 the year before. Nursing assistants and laborers were the workers that suffered the most from MSDs along with stock, freight and material movers.

The 2016 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index reported that overexertion injuries cost employers $15.08 billion in direct costs alone, and they accounted for nearly 25 percent of the overall claim burden. Same-level falls and falls to lower levels were second and third on the list. Same-level falls cost employers $10.17 billion while accounting for 16.4 percent of the claim burden.

Falls to lower levels cost employers $5.4 billion while accounting for 8.7 percent of the claim burden. Other common types of injuries included workers being caught in or compressed by equipment or being struck against equipment or objects. Slips and trips without falls was another common scenario that resulted in disabling injuries. Overall, direct costs for disabling injuries totaled $61.88 billion with the top 10 injuries on the list accounting for 82.5 percent of that cost.

Individuals who suffer neck, back or any other type of workplace injuries may be entitled to compensation, which may pay for medical bills and help an individual recoup a portion of lost wages while out of work. Depending on the severity of the injury, benefits may be granted on a permanent basis. Personal injury attorneys might possibly be able to help an injured worker get all that he or she is entitled to under state law.

