If you work in a high-stress job, your health may be in danger. Although virtually all jobs can potentially cause high levels of stress, it is especially prevalent among law enforcement officers, firefighters, nurses, and even teachers. Over time, regular exposure to high levels of stress can cause hypertension (high blood pressure) and other health complications.
Hypertension itself can be deadly, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC data indicates that about seven out of ten people that have suffered their first heart attack also have high blood pressure. Additionally, hypertension is a contributing factor in eight out of ten stroke victims. In addition to heart attacks and strokes, hypertension can increase your risk of:
· Kidney disease
· Heart failure
· Blood clots
· Damage to arteries and veins
· Chest pain
Get help
If your job regularly puts you in high-stress situations, it is important to visit your doctor regularly to monitor your health. According to the CDC, early treatment is key in reducing and controlling blood pressure and related health conditions.
If you developed hypertension at work, the treatment of it may be covered by workers’ compensation. Generally, all injuries and medical conditions arising as a result of your job are covered. This includes sudden injuries as well as medical issues that slowly develop over time. Under workers’ compensation, in addition to the cost of treatment, you may be able to recover wage loss benefits, if you had to miss work because of your condition.
As proving that your job was the cause of your condition may be difficult, it is important to speak to an experience workers’ compensation attorney. The experienced attorneys at Parker & Frey PLLC can review your medical records and work on your behalf to give you the best chance of a successful recovery.