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Work injuries: Do you have repetitive strain injury?

On Behalf of | Aug 7, 2020 | Uncategorized |

Whether you report every day to a brick and mortar office in North Carolina or work from home, you may be at risk for on-the-job injuries. Especially, if your work involves typing, standing for long hours on an assembly line, or lifting and loading objects on and off a truck. While these types of jobs may not be as dangerous as working on electrical wires or using heavy agriculture machinery, office work or any job that requires repeated motions or postures carries a significant risk for repetitive strain injury (RSI).

RSI typically develops over time. Maybe you have noticed that your wrist or forearm has been hurting, or, perhaps, you have inflammation or swelling that occurs intermittently or doesn’t seem to go away at all. There are numerous signs that suggest you might have RSI, so if your workplace duties require repetitive motion or posture, you’ll want to learn as much as you can about this condition and also know where to seek support, if you believe you have RSI.

RSI can affect multiple parts of your body

It’s a mistake to think that RSI is one specific injury, and you either have it or you don’t. It is a general term that refers to any number of injuries and affected body parts. If you have RSI, you might be experiencing symptoms in a section of nerves or ligaments in your body. You might also have pain, discomfort, swelling or inflammation in a muscle or tendons. Sometimes, RSI can affect more than one body part at a time.

What are some of the symptoms?

Perhaps, you’ve had a long day at work. When you return home, you feel sore and tired. This is not necessarily a sign that you have RSI, but it could be. The following list includes numerous symptoms that often accompany this condition:

  • If an area of your body is sore to the touch, especially after you have been in the workplace, it may be a symptom of RSI.
  • Stiffness or numbness is also suggestive of RSI, and it’s always best to seek medical examination if you experience these symptoms.
  • Weakness or cramping can also be signs of RSI. Have you ever tried to lift your coffee cup and had to quickly set it down because of shooting pain in your hand, wrist or forearm?
  • You may experience throbbing pain if you have RSI.

The body parts where you are most likely to experience such symptoms include hands, wrists, elbows, forearms and shoulders, or your neck. This doesn’t mean you do not have RSI if your symptoms are presenting in a different part of your body.

RSI can have debilitating consequences

You might think that a sore arm or neck is a minor issue that is not really going to adversely affect your life in any way. With RSI, symptoms can become so severe that you might be unable to return to work. Many people who have RSI rely on strong prescription medication to help alleviate pain.

If you believe you have suffered RSI on the job, you can report it as you would any other workplace accident and take the proper steps to file a claim for benefits. If an insurance company denies your claim, it’s important to know where to seek legal support.

