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How do I file a workers’ compensation claim?

On Behalf of | Jan 26, 2021 | Workers' Compensation |

North Carolina residents who suffer injuries while on the job may be entitled to compensation for their losses. Unfortunately, many individuals are not sure what they need to do to file for workers’ compensation, or they do file but find their claims denied or the amount of relief provided them not near enough. Filing a workers’ compensation claim is not necessarily difficult, but these claims are time sensitive, and petitions need to include very specific information. Petitions for relief that are incomplete or lacking in detail may result in claim denial or the awarding of only partial benefits.

After suffering a work-related injury, seeking medical attention right away is a must. Some employers require their employees to see specific medical providers, so verbally report the injury right away if at all possible, get the necessary health provider information and get to a doctor. After receiving treatment, then file a written report of the injury to one’s employer by the statutory deadline — usually 30 days after the injury occurred.

As soon as a report with one’s employer is filed, an official workers’ compensation claim may be submitted. The forms needed may be supplied by one’s employer or obtained through the state’s workers’ comp board. Before submitting the forms, make sure they include the following information:

  • When and where the injury occurred
  • Nature of the injury
  • How the injury occurred
  • Names of people involved in the accident
  • Details of any medical treatment already received

After the workers’ compensation claim is submitted, there is nothing left to do but wait for it to be rejected or approved. If it is denied or only partial benefits offered, one may be able to appeal the decision. Fighting for fair relief can be challenging, as insurance providers often do what they can to avoid payment or payout as little as possible. Thankfully, North Carolina residents have the right to have legal counsel help them fight for maximum relief.

