Why You Should Have An Advance Directive Or Power Of Attorney
In the event that something happens to you, whether because of old age or illness, a power of attorney or a health care directive can be beneficial. These documents allow a family member to act as your agent in the state of North Carolina should you become incapacitated. Due to the serious nature of such legal documents and the authority they grant your appointee, it is best to consult an attorney before you start.
At Parker & Frey PLLC, we want to help you preserve your wishes in case of unforeseen circumstances. As such, we will work with you to draft up the appropriate powers of attorney or a living will that fits your needs. If you are planning for the future or for an elderly loved one, take advantage of our services and experience with elder law matters today.
Get One That Is Right For You
Since the details of your life is unique to you, your power of attorney or directive must reflect it. For this reason, a tailored document is much more preferable and secure than something you can find online.
Let our lawyers assist you with ironing out the terms and conditions of the following documents and more:
- General power of attorney
- Limited power of attorney
- Springing power of attorney
- Durable power of attorney
- Health care power of attorney
- Health care proxy
- DNR or “Do Not Resuscitate” orders
- Living will or an advance directive
- Physicians Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form
Thinking ahead to protect your loved ones does not have to be stressful or difficult, let our team of legal professionals guide you through it.
Plan Today For Tomorrow
It is not possible to predict what will happen tomorrow or the day after, but you can plan for the unexpected. In making your medical, financial and estate wishes known, you can take some of the burden off of your loved ones. Ask us about how you can accomplish this through the use of a will and testament, or get answers to questions regarding guardianship today.
Reach out to us to schedule a free initial consultation where we can discuss your situation and what options are available to you. You may contact us via our intake form or call either our Dunn or Fayetteville office at 910-591-2551.