Medical Benefits
If your case is accepted and approved, workers’ compensation is obligated to pay for all your doctor visits, prescription medications and other medical needs. This can be an essential asset after an on-the-job injury. It can make it possible for you to get the care you need, even though medical services are notoriously expensive.
At the North Carolina law firm of Parker & Frey PLLC, our workers’ compensation lawyers are here to help you obtain these medical benefits. With offices in Dunn and Fayetteville, we serve injured individuals throughout the region.
Medical Care Must Be Approved
Under the workers’ compensation law in North Carolina, medical treatment must either be approved by your employer, the insurance company or the industrial commission. You can also pay for your own medical care, but your health insurance company may not want to reimburse you if workers’ compensation is involved.
If your employer or the insurance company is sending you to a doctor you don’t believe is appropriate, you can fight it or ask for a second opinion. In some cases, you can file for emergency medical motions and evidentiary hearings. However, in an accepted case, they usually have the first say about medical treatment.
In some cases, our attorneys simply need to send a barrage of emails, faxes and motions toward those who have the power to authorize medical care for our clients. We will not rest until your case receives the appropriate attention it deserves.
Talk To A Specialist
Parker & Frey PLLC includes a board-certified workers’ compensation specialist. To schedule a free initial consultation about workers’ compensation medical benefits, simply call our law firm at 910-591-2551 or send us an email today.