Attorneys With The Experience To Level The Playing Field

Injured In An Auto Accident While Working? We Can Help.

In North Carolina, workers’ compensation laws offer benefits to employees who are injured in auto accidents while on the job. However, unlike other types of workplace accidents, there are several rules and exceptions governing recovery for these types of accidents. At Parker & Frey PLLC, our Dunn and Fayetteville-based attorneys can examine your case to determine whether you qualify for benefits under the law.

The Coming And Going Rule

Generally, North Carolina law prohibits employees injured in car accidents while driving to and from work from recovering workers’ compensation benefits, since the risk of having an auto accident while traveling to and from work is common to all drivers, and not related to the performance of a particular job.

However, there are several exceptions to this rule that would allow you to recover workers’ compensation benefits, if you are injured as you are driving to and from work:

  • Your employer provides you with a vehicle as part of your job duties
  • You were performing an errand or duty for your employer at the time of your accident
  • You were traveling as part of your job and were injured while traveling in furtherance of your job duties

In addition to recovering workers’ compensation benefits in an on-the-job car accident, you may also be entitled to file a third-party claim, if the accident was caused by the actions of someone other than a co-employee. In this type of claim, you can recover additional compensation from the responsible party that is not normally available in an ordinary workers’ compensation claim, such as pain and suffering.

Contact Parker & Frey PLLC Today

As the rules surrounding recovery can be complex, it is important to be fully informed about your recovery rights. If you have been injured in an auto accident while on the job, Parker & Frey PLLC can help you recover the compensation you deserve. Contact our experienced workers’ compensation lawyers today for a free consultation. You can also call us at 910-591-2551.