Attorneys With The Experience To Level The Playing Field

Case involving alleged hazing continues minus 2 defendants

On Behalf of | Jun 20, 2014 | Wrongful Death |

Sending children off to college is a bittersweet thing for many parents. While most are pleased that their child is moving on to the next phase of his or her life, it can also be nerve-racking to know that one’s child will be on his or her own, sometimes facing challenges. While in many situations they are able to confront these challenges and resolve them without an issue, other times issues will arise. Sadly the outcome can be fatal.

This was the case for one North Carolina college student. His mother believes that the junior died in a hazing incident at the fraternity he was pledging. Though a medical examiner for the state determined that the young man died of a prescription drug overdose, his mother hired a forensic pathologist in an effort to show that his death was actually the result of blunt force trauma to his head. She filed a lawsuit against several individuals and entities including the school he was attending and the head of its security.

Recently, the school and security head were dismissed from the case. The remaining defendants include the fraternity he was pledging, a former student and the pledge master who also happens to be the son of the president of the university. The trial against those individuals is expected to occur next winter.

There is no question that wrongful death lawsuits such as this one are difficult for those who file them to endure. Nonetheless, when successful, they can provide much needed financial compensation. In addition, when criminal charges are not associated with the incident, they can bring a sense of closure to the filer.

Source: High Point Enterprise, “UPDATE: Wrongful death case against HPU, security director tossed,” Paul B. Johnson, June 4, 2014

