Attorneys With The Experience To Level The Playing Field

A guide to workers’ compensation for North Carolina teachers

On Behalf of | May 31, 2017 | Uncategorized |

If you have entered the teaching field, you probably have not been particularly concerned about workplace injuries. However, while teaching may not seem like a dangerous job, there are unfortunate circumstances where injuries do occur, resulting in days off from work and medical bills. Whether you already have an injury or just want to be prepared for an unforeseen circumstance, you deserve to know what potential risks you face and what compensation entitlements you can receive as a North Carolina teacher.

Teaching injuries

You are particularly susceptible to certain kinds of workplace injuries as a teacher. If you write, type on the computer or use markers on a whiteboard, you can develop repetitive stress injuries in your hands and wrists. Standing in front of your class for long durations may cause issues with your legs, hips or back. Hanging banners and displaying student artwork using a ladder can result in slipping and falling.

School violence

Unfortunately, sometimes violent acts by students or coworkers can result in serious injuries. Violent acts include physical assault, shootings and stabbings.

Higher risk cases

Depending on what type of class you teach, you may have a higher chance of being injured. For example, sports coaches and gym teachers might face athletic injuries, and chemistry teachers might be injured by chemicals, electrical equipment or fire.

Compensation options

You can submit a claim for compensation for lost wages and medical bills if you were injured while performing your teaching duties or on school property at all. You should submit a report of your injury as soon as possible and follow requirements imposed by state law and your school district rules.

Teaching is an honorable profession, and you work hard to enrich students’ lives. Do not let the complicated nature of workers’ compensation deter you from seeking payment for your injuries. For guidance throughout the claims process, contact a workers’ compensation attorney.

