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Use these ladder safety tips to prevent a fall

On Behalf of | Apr 15, 2019 | Uncategorized |

Working in the humid North Carolina heat is not something everyone enjoys. As a construction worker, you must keep your eyes open and your body well-hydrated to keep from overheating.

Aside from the heat in the summer, you need to keep an eye out for ladder hazards. More workers suffer injuries from falling than any other incident. One of the leading culprits is the ladder. Take some of these tips into consideration before climbing the rungs at work.

Check the size of the ladder

You need to make sure you have the proper tools before you start working, the ladder included. On the side of all ladders is a duty rating which gives a snapshot of the weight capacity. Remember that this capacity includes your weight plus the weight of all the tools and materials carried up and down it. Do not go over this recommended weight.

Maintain three points of contact

When you climb a ladder too quickly, the likelihood of falling increases. It is best to keep three points of contact with the ladder during the climbs up and down, as well as during work. This either means you have one foot and two hands on the rungs or two feet and one hand.

Make sure the ground is even

You may have to work on a job that does not have the easiest terrain. When placing the ladder, make sure you get it on the evenest surface possible. Failure to do so may result in losing balance and tipping, taking you down with it.

Using a ladder is a necessary part of your job, so you cannot just stop doing it out of fear of falling. Instead, adhere to some of these safety tips and increase your chances of making it a safe day on the job.

