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Top reasons that police officers need workers’ compensation

On Behalf of | Mar 1, 2018 | Uncategorized |

Policing is a dangerous job in many ways, but many of these dangers receive little or no attention in the face of much more obvious risks. In fact, these hidden dangers often turn out to be the reasons that police officers need workers’ compensation.

Here is a look at a few of the obvious and not-so-obvious reasons a police officer might need workers’ compensation.

Vehicle accidents

Police officers spend a lot of time in cars. Thus, they are at a higher risk of being in a car accident and experiencing all types of injuries and even death from a car wreck.


Policing ranks way up there in terms of stress. Not only are officers expected to do more than ever before, they witness a lot of traumatic incidents. They may see children or their own friends from the force become injured or killed. The result can be mental health issues, even PTSD.


Police officers can and do get hit, bitten and shot on the job. Even something such as a bite can lead to infection and bodily damage. Bites, assaults and gunshot wounds often have long, arduous recovery periods in which police officers must miss work.

Repetitive movements

Police officers perform many repetitive movements such as walking, reaching, bending and crouching. Even getting in and out of their cars many times a day may take its toll. Officers do these movements day after day while, many times, wearing hefty utility belts that add as much as 30 pounds to their weight. The result can be serious lower back pain issues.

Not only that, computer work has become important in the jobs of many police officers. They can injure their shoulders, arms, necks and/or backs by having to repetitively reach forward to use their mobile computers. Indeed, police work has its share of hazards.

