Attorneys With The Experience To Level The Playing Field

Think you have third-party claims?

On Behalf of | Feb 8, 2021 | Workers' Compensation |

If you suffered injuries on the job, you know you may file a workers’  compensation claim in order to cover your losses and get the help you need to move forward. Did you know you may also file third-party claims against others  outside of your employer and coworkers  you feel are responsible for your injuries? North Carolina laws do allow for this so that you can pursue recovery of maximum compensation for your losses.  

What is a third-party claim? 

A third-party claim is a personal injury claim you would file against the persons or companies that contributed to your injuries. These claims may be negotiated out of court or litigated in civil court. Generally, settlements reached or awarded are paid by insurance providers.  

The problem with third-party claims 

The problem with third-party claims is your workers’ comp provider has the right to put a lien on the settlement. It is the providers way of paying out as little as possible and recovering some of its losses. Thankfully, it may be possible to have this type of lien dismissed or negotiated down so that you walk away with maximum relief.  

Why pursue third-party claims? 

Workers’ compensation rarely covers all of a persons losses after suffering an injury on the job. Many North Carolina residents have been left covering many of their expenses out of pocket even after receiving workers’ compensation benefits, and it isnt okay. Filing third-party claims, if applicable and appropriate to your case, is just one way you can fight for fair compensation. To learn more about this topic, please take a moment and visit our firms website.

